Kaitlyn的愛美時尚誌在第一季感謝大家熱烈支持, 收視率一路越來越高
打鐵趁熱 我們的第二季即將開播了!
Thank you for supporting the first season of Kaitlyn's Beauty Journal
We had great rating!
And the Second season is coming NOW!!
4月9日 本周六 首播
Premiere @ April 9th, Saturday!
這五大城市分別是舊金山 紐約 洛杉磯 西雅圖 休士頓
Now, not only the San Francisco Bay Area can watch KBJ
Kaitlyn's Beauty Journal is available in 5 big US cities!!!
They are
San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Seattle and Huston!
and we will have ENGLISH SUBTITLES!!!
一下子從Local的節目變成全國性的節目 老實說還挺緊張的
但也因為如此我們更努力 更用心的製作節目
新一季不僅只有我會教大家化妝, 我們還會邀請來賓上節目
在不同的臉上示範妝容, 也會有更多關於時裝穿搭的單元
Frankly speaking, I am pretty nervous
because now we are a national-wide TV show!
Not a local show anymore!
And that is why we put more efforts to the production
and try to bring an even better show to you!
In the second season, KBJ features not only the makeup tutorial,
but also the guest makeover segment.
Plus, we will cover more topics in Fashion! How exciting!
老話一句 懇請大家多多支持! 別忘了本週六準時收看喔!!
So, What are you waiting for? Turn on your TV and
watch us on this Saturday!
Airing stations and time
San Francisco, KTSF Sat. 7pm
舊金山 每周六晚上七點 26.1台
L.A., KXLA44.4 Sat. 1pm
洛杉磯 每週六下午一點 第44.4 台
NewYork, WMBC63.4 Sat.
紐約 每週六下午五點 第63.4台
Seattle, AAT TV44.3 Sat. 11:30am
西雅圖 每周六上午11點半 第44.3台
Houston, KTBU55.5 Sat. 7pm
休士頓 每周六晚上七點 第55.5台
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(公司幫我拍新照片啦 哈哈~終於)